function [nodes,parent]=amalg(A,eparent,nemin) % AMALG Node amalgamation for sqr. % @(#)amalg.m Version 1.13 3/21/97 % Pontus Matstoms, Linkoping University. % e-mail: % % [nodes,parent]=amalg(A,eparent,nemin) computes the elimination tree % where nodes of 'eparent' are amalgamated into supernodes. % % Method: nemin amalgamation (See Matstoms, "The multifrontal % solution ...") with repeated nemin step. % % nemin=0 No amalgamation. % nemin=1 Fundamental supernodes formed. % nemin>1 Following the algorithm. % % The computation of fundamental supernodes is due to John Gilbert. n=size(A,2); if nemin == 0 | n<=1, nodes=1:(n+1); parent=eparent; disp(['Return from amalg without node amalgamation']) return end count=symbfact(A,'col'); % # of elements in the rows of R. kids=find(eparent); % Nodes with a father node. nkids=zeros(1,n); nkids=full(sparse(1,eparent(kids),1)); % # of sons to each father node. % Form fundamental supernodes. % The vector IsNode is now set to the nodes of the amalgamated % elimination tree. If a supernode contains the single nodes i,...,i+t, % only node i is marked as a node in IsNode. Elements corresponding to % nodes are set to one and the other elements to zero. IsNode = zeros(1,n); f = find(nkids ~= 1); % Nodes without or more than one sons. IsNode(f) = ones(size(f)); % Father nodes whose corresponding rows in R not are included in % the structure of the sons. f = find ( count(eparent(kids)) ~= count(kids)-ones(size(kids)) ); DadsANode = kids(f); IsNode(eparent(DadsANode)) = ones(size(DadsANode)); % Supernodes now formed. % First phase of nemin amalgamation. GrandSon=1:n; AmalgNodes=find(IsNode == 0); % Amalgamated nodes for i=AmalgNodes, GrandSon(i)=GrandSon(i-1); % GrandSon(i) gives the youngest member end % in a node comtaining node i. nodes = sort(find(IsNode)); % Real nodes in the partially amalgamated Nnodes = length(nodes); % tree. TopAmalgNodes=AmalgNodes(find(diff([AmalgNodes 0]) ~= 1)); % eldest sons in supern. BotAmalgNodes=nodes(find(diff([nodes n+1]) ~= 1)); % youngest sons in supern. eparent(BotAmalgNodes)=eparent(TopAmalgNodes); idx=find(eparent); eparent(idx)=GrandSon(eparent(idx)); dads=sort(eparent(nodes(1:(Nnodes-1)))); dads=dads(find(diff([0 dads]))); % Father nodes in the amalgamated tree. SNnumber=cumsum(IsNode); idx=find(diff([0 SNnumber])); FSV(idx)=[1 diff(find([diff(SNnumber) 1]))]; FSV(TopAmalgNodes)=FSV(BotAmalgNodes); % Number of fully summed variables in nodes. GrandDad=1:nodes(Nnodes); GrandDad(BotAmalgNodes)=TopAmalgNodes; for DadsNode=dads, if max(FSV(DadsNode),FSV(DadsNode-1)) < nemin, FSV(GrandDad(DadsNode))=FSV(DadsNode)+FSV(DadsNode-1); IsNode(DadsNode)=0; eparent(DadsNode-1)=eparent(GrandDad(DadsNode)); end end % Second phase of nemin amalgamation. GrandSon=1:n; idx=find(IsNode == 0); for i=idx, GrandSon(i)=GrandSon(i-1); end nodes = sort(find(IsNode)); Nnodes = length(nodes); AmalgNodes=find(IsNode == 0); TopAmalgNodes=AmalgNodes(find(diff([AmalgNodes 0]) ~= 1)); BotAmalgNodes=nodes(find(diff([nodes n+1]) ~= 1)); eparent(BotAmalgNodes)=eparent(TopAmalgNodes); idx=find(eparent); eparent(idx)=GrandSon(eparent(idx)); dads=sort(eparent(nodes(1:(Nnodes-1)))); dads=dads(find(diff([0 dads]))); SNnumber=cumsum(IsNode); idx=find(diff([0 SNnumber])); FSV(idx)=[1 diff(find([diff(SNnumber) 1]))]; FSV(TopAmalgNodes)=FSV(BotAmalgNodes); GrandDad=1:nodes(Nnodes); GrandDad(BotAmalgNodes)=TopAmalgNodes; for DadsNode=dads, if max(FSV(DadsNode),FSV(DadsNode-1)) < nemin, FSV(GrandDad(DadsNode))=FSV(DadsNode)+FSV(DadsNode-1); IsNode(DadsNode)=0; eparent(DadsNode-1)=eparent(GrandDad(DadsNode)); end end % Compute the parent-vector for the amalgamated tree. SNnumber = cumsum(IsNode); nodes = [sort(find(IsNode)) n+1]; nnodes = length(nodes)-1; LastVtx = nodes-1; LastVtx = LastVtx(2:(nnodes+1)); f = find( eparent(LastVtx) ); LastVtxOfKidNodes = LastVtx(f); parent = zeros(1,nnodes); parent(SNnumber(LastVtxOfKidNodes)) = SNnumber(eparent(LastVtxOfKidNodes));