function [x,iter] = sbls2(A,b,l,u) %SNNLS Solution of sparse box constrained least squares problems. % %Z%%M% Version %I% %G% % Mikael Lundquist, Linkoping University. % e-mail: % % % x=sbls2(A,b,l,u) solves the constrained % linear least squares problem % % min_x ||Ax-b||_2 s.t. l <= x <= u % upper and lower may be inf. % l and u may be scalars and is then treated as bound for all x % % x=sbls2(A,b,l) solves the the problem with bounds l <= x % x=sbls2(A,b) solves the non-negativity problem 0 <= c % % Numerical method: Block pivoting % % MATLAB v.4 and sqr (Matstoms (1994)) or MATLAB v.5 assumed. % % Check the input data. if nargin > 4, disp('??? Error using ==> sbls2') disp('Too many input arguments.') return end if nargin<=3,u=inf;end; if nargin==2,l=0;end; [m,n]=size(A); if size(l,1)==1,l=ones(n,1)*l;end if size(u,1)==1,u=ones(n,1)*u;end % Minimum degree analysis of A. Pc=colmmd(A); A=A(:,Pc); u=u(Pc); l=l(Pc); if nargin==6, xx=xx(Pc); end % Initiate some variables. tol=n*eps*1000; NB=isinf(l) & isinf(u); % NotBounded variables swap=find(isinf(l) & ~isinf(u)); % Make only upperbound inf. if length(swap)>0, l(swap)=-u(swap); A(:,swap)=-A(:,swap); u(swap)=inf*ones(size(swap)); end bb=b-A(:,~NB)*l(~NB); % l 0uu)=uu(xtemp>uu); term2=A(:,F)*xtemp(F); term=zeros(m,1); xn=zeros(n,1); p=xnp1; qxnp1=bb'*bb; qxn=0; % - or you could use the QR factorization % [c,R]=qr(A,bb,0); % x=R\c; % Iterative refinemant one step. % dx=R\(R'\(A'*(bb-A*x))); % x=x+dx; y=[]; z=[]; % Start of main loop while any([xnp1(F)<-tol; xnp1(F)>uu(F)+tol ; y(L)<-tol ; z(U)<-tol]), if iter==100,disp('VARNING! Sbls2 do not converge'),break,end H1=F(find(xnp1(F)<0)); H2=F(find(xnp1(F)>uu(F))); H3=L(find(y(L)<0)); H4=U(find(z(U)<0)); theta=1; % Bind variables until stationary point is found. if length(H1)+length(H2)>0, % Idea: Bind all variables such that q(xn)-q(xn+\theta p) > 0. % p = xnp1-xn. qxn=qxnp1; xtemp=xnp1; xtemp(xtemp<0)=zeros(size(find(xtemp<0))); xtemp(xtemp>uu)=uu(xtemp>uu); r=A*xtemp-bb; qxnp1=r'*r; thetaL=xn(H1)./-p(H1); thetaU=(uu(H2)-xn(H2))./p(H2); [thetaLmax,rL]=max(thetaL); [thetaUmax,rU]=max(thetaU); if isempty(thetaL),thetaLmax=-1; end if isempty(thetaU),thetaUmax=-4; end % Remove step size 0. tL0=find(thetaL~=0); tU0=find(thetaU~=0); if ~isempty(H1), H1=H1(tL0);thetaL=thetaL(tL0);end; if ~isempty(H2), H2=H2(tU0);thetaU=thetaU(tU0);end; % Calculate singel pivot step. thetam=min([min(thetaL) min(thetaU)]); while qxn-qxnp1<-tol, if thetaLmax>thetaUmax, theta=max([thetaLmax 0]); thetaL(rL)=-2; [thetaLmax,rL]=max(thetaL); else theta=max([thetaUmax 0]); thetaU(rU)=-5; [thetaUmax,rU]=max(thetaU); end xtemp=xn+theta*p; xtemp(xtemp<0)=zeros(size(find(xtemp<0))); xtemp(xtemp>uu)=uu(xtemp>uu); r=A*xtemp-bb; qxnp1=r'*r; end % Determine what variables was bounded. H1=F(find(xtemp(F)<=0)); H2=F(find(xtemp(F)>=uu(F))); ADD=[NB]; SUB=[H1; H2]; FLAG=zeros(n,1); FLAG([F; ADD])=ones(size([F; ADD])) ; FLAG(SUB)=zeros(size(SUB)); F=find(FLAG); ADD=[H1]; SUB=[]; FLAG=zeros(n,1); FLAG([L; ADD])=ones(size([L; ADD])) ; FLAG(SUB)=zeros(size(SUB)); L=find(FLAG); ADD=[H2]; SUB=[]; FLAG=zeros(n,1); FLAG([U; ADD])=ones(size([U; ADD])) ; FLAG(SUB)=zeros(size(SUB)); U=find(FLAG); end % Stationary point is found, release variables. ADD=[H3;H4;NB]; SUB=[]; FLAG=zeros(n,1); FLAG([F; ADD])=ones(size([F; ADD])) ; FLAG(SUB)=zeros(size(SUB)); F=find(FLAG); ADD=[]; SUB=[H3]; FLAG=zeros(n,1); FLAG([L; ADD])=ones(size([L; ADD])) ; FLAG(SUB)=zeros(size(SUB)); L=find(FLAG); ADD=[]; SUB=[H4]; FLAG=zeros(n,1); FLAG([U; ADD])=ones(size([U; ADD])) ; FLAG(SUB)=zeros(size(SUB)); U=find(FLAG); % Compute x(F), y(L) and z(U). if length(U)>0, term=A(:,U)*uu(U); else term=zeros(m,1); end if theta==1, xn(F)=xnp1(F); xn(L)=zeros(size(L)); xn(U)=uu(U); else xn=xtemp; end xnp1=zeros(n,1); if (length(F)>0), iter=iter+1; R=chol(A(:,F)'*A(:,F)); xnp1(F)=R\(R'\(A(:,F)'*(bb-term))); xnp1(U)=uu(U); p=xnp1-xn; % - or you could use the QR factorization % [c,R]=qr(A(:,F),bb-term,0); % x(F)=R\c; % - iterative refinement one step % dx=R\(R'\(A(:,F)'*(bb-A(:,F)*x(F)))); % x(F)=x(F)+dx; xtemp=xnp1; xtemp(xtemp<0)=zeros(size(find(xtemp<0))); xtemp(xtemp>uu)=uu(xtemp>uu); term2=A(:,F)*xtemp(F); ADD=[]; SUB=[NB]; FLAG=zeros(n,1); FLAG(F)=ones(size(F)) ; FLAG(SUB)=zeros(size(SUB)); F=find(FLAG); else xnp1(U)=uu(U); p=zeros(n,1); term2=zeros(m,1); end y = zeros(n,1); y(L) = A(:,L)'*(term2+term-bb); z = zeros(n,1); z(U) =-A(:,U)'*(term2+term-bb); end % end while % Compute the final solution using QR factorization. ADD=[NB]; SUB=[]; FLAG=zeros(n,1); FLAG([F;NB])=ones(size([F;NB])); F=find(FLAG); l(NB)=zeros(size(NB)); if (iter==0), x(F)=l(F)+xnp1(F); else if length(F)>0, % x(F)=l(F)+qls(A(:,F),bb-term); [c,R]=qr(A(:,F),bb-term,0); x(F)=l(F)+R\c; end end x(L)=l(L); x(U)=u(U); if length(swap)>0, x(swap)=-x(swap); end x(Pc)=x; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Remove this part and save it as a seperate file if you run MATLAB V4. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function x = qls(A,b) %QLS Solution of sparse linear least squares problems. % @(#)qls.m Version 1.6 6/23/93 % Pontus Matstoms, Linkoping University. % e-mail: % % x=qls(A,b) solves the sparse linear least squares problem % min ||Ax-b|| % x 2 % using QR factorization and application of Q to the right-hand % side b. [m,n]=size(A); % Minimum-degree ordering of A. q=colmmd(A); A=A(:,q); [v,d]=version; % Check for MATLAB V5. if str2num(v(1))<5, [R,p,c]=sqr(A,b); % Resulting column permutation. Pc=q(p); else [c,R]=qr(A,b,0); Pc=q; end % Compute the least squares solution. x=R\c; % Permute the computed solution x(Pc)=x; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Remove this part and save it as a seperate file if you run MATLAB V4. % ----------------------------------------------------------------------