function [x,iter] = snnls(A,b) %SNNLS Solution of sparse nonnegative least squares problems. % @(#)snnls.m Version 1.1 1/23/96 % Pontus Matstoms, Linkopings Universitet. % Mikael Adlers, Linkopings Universitet % e-mail:, % % x=snnls(A,b) solves the constrained linear least squares problem % % min_x ||Ax-b||_2 s.t. x >= 0 % % Numerical method: Block principal pivoting (Portugal et al. (1993)) % % Matlab version 4 and sqr (Matstoms (1994)) assumed. % Check the input data. if nargin ~= 2, disp('??? Error using ==> snnls') disp('Too many input arguments.') end % Minimum degree analysis of A. Pc=colamd(A); A=A(:,Pc); % Initiate some variables. [m,n]=size(A); F=[]; G=1:n; % x(F) and Y(G) basic variables. x=0; y=-A'*b; p=3; nf=n+1; iter=0; % Start of main loop while any([x(F)<0; y(G)<0]), iter=iter+1; H1=F(find(x(F)<0)); H2=G(find(y(G)<0)); H12=sort([H1; H2]); % H12 set of infeasibilities nf0=length(H12); if nf0 < nf, % Does |H12| decrease? nf=nf0; p=3; else if p>=1, % Try atmost p times to get decreasing nf. p=p-1; else r=H12(nf0); % Use Murty's method until decrease. if find(H1 == r), H1=r; H2=[]; else H1=[]; H2=r; end end end % Update F and G. FLAG=zeros(n,1); FLAG([F; H2])=ones(size([F; H2])); FLAG(H1)=zeros(size(H1)); F=find(FLAG); FLAG=zeros(n,1); FLAG([G; H1])=ones(size([G; H1])); FLAG(H2)=zeros(size(H2)); G=find(FLAG); % Compute x(F) and y(G). x=zeros(n,1); R=chol(A(:,F)'*A(:,F)); x(F)=R\(R'\(A(:,F)'*b)); y=zeros(n,1); y(G)=A(:,G)'*(A(:,F)*x(F)-b); end % end while x(F)=A(:,F)\b; x(Pc)=x; end % end snnls