function [nsteps,nelim,nstk,nle,Pc,Pr] = sqrA(A,nemin) % SQRA Analysis routine for SQR. % @(#)sqrA.m Version 1.12 3/21/97 % Pontus Matstoms, University of Linkoping. % e-mail: % % [nsteps,nelim,nstk,nle,Pc,Pr] = sqrA(A) % [nsteps,nelim,nstk,nle,Pc,Pr] = sqrA(A,nemin) % % sqrA performes the symbolic part of the factorization. It computes % nsteps Number of elimination steps. % nelim Number of columns to eliminate in each step. % nstk Number of sons to each elimination tree node. % nle Number of rows with leading entries in each column. % Pc Column ordering making the tree postordered. % Pr Leading entry order of APc. [m,n]=size(A); if nargin == 1, nemin=10; end % Set the default value of nemin % --- Compute the postordering. [eparent,Pc]=sparsfun('coletree',A); % Elimination tree, Pc postordering. Pcinv(Pc)=1:n; % Here we compute Pcinvmf=[0 Pcinv]; % the parent vector eparent(Pcinv)=Pcinvmf(eparent+ones(1,n)); % for the postordered matrix. % --- Node amalgamation. [nodes,parent]=amalg(A(:,Pc),eparent,nemin); % --- Extract the interesting information from the parent vector 'parent'. nsteps=length(parent); % # of el.steps nelim=diff(nodes); % # of col. to el. in each step nstk=zeros(1,nsteps); dads=find(parent); ndads=full(sparse(1,parent(dads),1)); if ndads == 0, % Only disconnected nodes ndads=[]; else nstk=ndads; end % --- Compute a row ordering making A ordered by the leading entries. % Rows identically zero are removed by the choice of Pr. [j,i]=find([A(:,Pc)' ; ones(1,size(A,1))]); [le,Pr]=sort(j(find(diff([0 i'])))); % Leading entry pos for each row idx=find(le <= size(A,2)); Pr=Pr(idx); le=le(idx); rows=find(diff([le' inf])); nle=zeros(1,n); nle(le(rows))=diff([0 rows]); % # of rows with LE=i