function [R,H,rowperm,C] = sqrB(A,nsteps,nelim,nstk,nle,Pr,B) % SQRB Factorization routine in SQR. % @(#)sqrB.m Version 1.3 11/24/97 % Pontus Matstoms, Linkoping University. % Mikael Lundquist, Linköping University. % e-mail:, % % [R,C] = sqrB(A,nsteps,nelim,nstk,nle) computes the upper triangular % factor R in the QR factorization of the sparse m-by-n matrix A. If a % matrix B is passed to the routine, [R,C] = sqrB(A,nsteps,nelim,nstk,nle,B), % then the first n components of Q'B are also computed. % % nsteps The number of nodes/supernodes in the elimination tree. % nelim() The number of columns to eliminate in the current step. % nstk() The number of stacked elements to merge in the current step. % R(,) The upper triangular matrix R. % STK() The stack of update matrices. % STKcols Column indices of stacked update matrices. % STKm Row dimension of stacked update matrices. % STKn Column dimension of stacked update matrices. % BSTK Right-hand side stack. % PSTK Stack of row indexes. Used when computing Q % rowidx Row index [m,n]=size(A); % Check the input computeB=(nargin==7); computeH=(nargout>=3); if computeB, B=B(Pr,:); [Bm,Bn]=size(B); C=zeros(n,Bn); %else, % B=0; end % From the vector nle (nle(i)=number of rows with leading entry i) a new vector % NLE (NLE(i)=number of rows from A to include in the i:th frontal matrix) is % computed. NLE=[0 cumsum(nle)]; a=cumsum([1 nelim(1:(nsteps-1))])'; b=cumsum(nelim)+1; NLE=NLE(b)-NLE(a); R=spalloc(n,n,sum(symbfact(A,'col'))); sp=1; % Pointer for STK spc=1; % Pointer for STKcols spnm=0; % Pointer for STKm and STKn Bp=0; % Pointer for BSTK rp=0; lmr=0; if computeH, rowperm=zeros(m,1); last=m; end % --- Main loop ... for iass=1:nsteps, % -- Compute the dimension and the global column indices of the front. numorg=nelim(iass); numstk=nstk(iass); colflag=zeros(1,n); % Global column indices in the frontal matrix. % - Integer data associated with the contribution from A. Am=NLE(iass); FNTm=Am; if Am>0, [ignore,col]=find(A((lmr+1):(lmr+Am),:)); colflag(col)=ones(size(col)); end % - Integer data associated with the stack contribution. if ( numstk > 0 ) & ( spc>1 ), stkm=sum(STKm((spnm-numstk+1):spnm)); FNTm=FNTm+stkm; ncol=sum(STKn((spnm-numstk+1):(spnm))); col=STKcols((spc-ncol):(spc-1)); colflag(col)=ones(size(col)); else stkm=0; end FNTcols=find(colflag); FNTn=size(FNTcols,2); colflag(FNTcols)=1:FNTn; % colflag maps global to local column % indices for the frontal matrix. % local=colflag(global). % -- Move reals to the frontal matrix. if FNTn > 0, FNT=zeros(FNTm,FNTn); % - From A ... if Am>0, FNT(1:Am,:)=A((lmr+1):(lmr+Am),FNTcols); Fm=Am; if computeB, % Right-hand side front. BFNT=zeros(FNTm,Bn); BFNT(1:Am,:)=B((lmr+1):(lmr+Am),:); end if computeH, rowidx=(lmr+1):(lmr+Am); % Rowindex of the rows from A end else if computeH, Fm=0; %ML 970910 rowidx=[]; end end % - ... and from the stack ... for s=1:numstk, if STKm(spnm)>0, udm=STKm(spnm); udn=STKn(spnm); col=colflag(STKcols((spc-udn):(spc-1))); FNT((Fm+1):(Fm+udm),col)=reshape(STK((sp-udm*udn):(sp-1)),udm,udn); if computeB, BFNT((Fm+1):(Fm+udm),:)=BSTK(:,(Bp-udm+1):Bp)'; end if computeH, rowidx=[rowidx PSTK(Bp-udm+1:Bp)]; % rowidx=[rowidx PSTK(Rp-PSTKm(spnm)+1:Rp)]; % Rp=Rp-PSTKm(spnm); end Bp=Bp-udm; Fm=Fm+udm; spc=spc-udn; sp=sp-udm*udn; end spnm=spnm-1; end else spnm=spnm-numstk; end numorg=min(numorg,FNTm); % Rank deficient problem may have FNTm < numorg. % -- Factorization RFm=min(FNTm,FNTn); RFn=FNTn; rdim=min(RFm,RFn); if computeH, [Q,RR]=qr(FNT); RBF=triu(RR); H(iass).frontH=sparse(Q); H(iass).p=rowidx'; % RR=qr(FNT); % RBF=triu(RR); % H(iass).frontH=sparse(tril(RR,0)); if computeB Ctemp=Q'*BFNT C((rp+1):(rp+numorg),:)=Ctemp(1:numorg); end else if computeB, % A right-hand side matrix is passed to the routine. % - Factorize the frontal matrix and dispose computed elements of Q'B. RBF=triu(qr([FNT BFNT])); C((rp+1):(rp+numorg),:)=RBF(1:numorg,(RFn+1):(RFn+Bn)); else % - Factorize the frontal matrix. RBF=triu(qr(FNT)); end end % - Move the first rows of frontals R to the final R. R(FNTcols,(rp+1):(rp+numorg))=RBF(1:numorg,1:RFn)'; if computeH, rowperm((rp+1):(rp+numorg))=rowidx(1:numorg); end rp=rp+numorg; % --- Move the remaining rows to the stack. spnm=spnm+1; if rdim > numorg, STKm(spnm)=rdim-numorg; STKn(spnm)=RFn-numorg; STKcols(spc:(spc+STKn(spnm)-1))=FNTcols((numorg+1):RFn); spc=spc+STKn(spnm); us=STKm(spnm)*STKn(spnm); % Size of update matrix STK(sp:(sp+us-1))=reshape(RBF((numorg+1):rdim,(numorg+1):RFn),1,us); sp=sp+us; if computeB, BSTK(:,(Bp+1):(Bp+rdim-numorg))=RBF((numorg+1):rdim,(RFn+1):(RFn+Bn))'; end if computeH, PSTK((Bp+1):(Bp+rdim-numorg))=rowidx((numorg+1):rdim); end Bp=Bp+rdim-numorg; else STKm(spnm)=0; STKn(spnm)=0; end if computeH, if FNTm>rdim, rowperm(last-(FNTm-rdim)+1:last)=rowidx(rdim+1:FNTm); last=last-(FNTm-rdim); end end lmr=lmr+Am; end % Up to now the transpose of R has been stored ... R=R'; if ~computeH & computeB H=C; clear C end